From South Carolina, hello. Zip code 29070, age 26 for both individuals in the post, and earning no more than $15,000.
I had a few inquiries after receiving the paperwork to renew my health insurance (26F).
I was recruited practically yesterday for a new job. Should I hold off on filing the paperwork until after I have received a few paystubs and am certain of the average number of hours I will be working? (As this is an hourly position with no established schedule, remuneration fluctuates depending on the job), or is it acceptable for me to submit the forms using the information I now have?
The documents allow me to add a new household member, and my partner (26M) needs health insurance. But he works with a contractor who pays him under the table and without paying taxes (please do not criticize this). If I have a statement from his company detailing his work hours and salary, can I add him to my insurance since we share a home but he does not have taxable income? All I am asking is whether it is a possibility for us.
I appreciate your assistance.