Keeping Cobra for 1 month after new employer insurance starts

I have infertility and endometriosis.

I worked for Amazon to get IVF coverage, and while doing IVF It was also discovered I have a birth defect in my uterus. They did surgery and at the same time they also checked for endometriosis and found that I have endo.

I left Amazon and elected Cobra. I started working at Target, and their benefits kick in after 90 days.

I have an endometriosis surgery scheduled Nov 14th, and likely my new coverage would start just around that time, likely a few days before.

I have planned this surgery for months with a doctor, and I also have my out of pocket maxed out, so the surgery would cost me nothing on cobra.

What will happen here if I have to sign up for my new benefits right before my surgery? ( I cannot wait for open enrollment cause I need the IVF coverage again right after my surgery from Target)

I would like to keep Cobra for just that little overlap period, because I won’t have time to check everything either with the new insurance.

PS There is a possibility the new insurance is offered by the same company as the Cobra insurance. Tho I am not sure cause I cannot see the options yet.


I don’t think you’re eligible for cobra once you’re eligible foe other coverage.


I saw this too, but it seems like that people have had no issues keeping cobra also for a short overlap.

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Then it will be secondary and not primary, if that’s the case. And you must provide bith carriers with coordination of benefits information.

You’re at the mercy of the companies. Neither appears to be required to allow both, based on the DOJ.

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I see. If you submit both your insurance cards, your new insurance will likely charge you for the deductible. After that, your secondary COBRA insurance should process the claim and cover the costs, since you’ve already maxed out your out-of-pocket limit on that plan.

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I’m not familiar with how COB works, sorry. You also have to notify the carriers, not just the providers.